Publications - Research - Studies
Important readings
PRESS articles on the Kinsa case
- Inés Marco, El Salto (06.07.2024): La creación de un crimen para defender la necropolítica migratoria europea (The creation of a crime to defend European migration necropolitics).
- Hannah Neidhardt, Imke Behrends and Julia Winkler (Neues Deutschland, 21.06.2024): Doppelmoral bei Strafverfolgung von Migration (Sogenannte Schleuser-Prozesse in Pirna belegen eine verfehlte Migrationspolitik)
- Matthias Monroy, Neues Deutschland (20.06.2024): EU-Gericht verhandelt »Überkriminalisierung« von Fluchthilfe (EU court deals with “overcriminalization” of refugee assistance).
- Giansandro Merli, Il Manifesto (19.06.2024): La Corte Ue processa il "reato di solidarietà" (EU court tries "solidarity crime") PDF
- Giansandro Merli, Il Manifesto (16.06.2024): Corte di giustizia Ue, una sentenza per ribaltare il «reato di solidarietà» (EU Court of Justice, a ruling to overturn the 'solidarity crime').
- Interview with Francesca Cancellaro, Melting Pot (04.10.2023): "Caso Iuventa: le violazioni dei diritti fondamentali e la politicizzazione del processo" (The Iuventa case: violations of fundamental rights and the politicisation of the trial).
- Melting Pot (27.07.2023): "La CGUE valuterà la legittimità del reato di favoreggiamento dell’immigrazione irregolare" (The CJEU will assess the legality of the crime of aiding and abetting irregular immigration).
- Sistema Penale (17.07.2023): "Rimessa alla Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europea una questione pregiudiziale sulla criminalizzazione del favoreggiamento dell’ingresso irregolare di stranieri" (Referred to the Court of Justice of the European Union for a preliminary ruling on the criminalisation of aiding and abetting the illegal entry of foreigners).
- Luigi Ferrarrella, Corriere Della Sera (04.06.2023): "Immigrazione, va punito chi viola la legge per solidarietà? L'Europa si interroga partendo da un caso italiano" (Immigration, should those who break the law for solidarity be punished? Europe questions itself starting from an Italian case)".
- Giansandro Merli, Il Manifesto (14.05.2023): "I legali di Iuventa: il reato di favoreggiamento è illegittimo, intervengano Consulta e Corte Ue" (Iuventa's lawyers: the crime of aiding and abetting is illegitimate, let the Constitutional Court and the EU Court intervene).
ACADEMIC publications & STUDIES
- Valsamis Mitsilegas, Eurojus (31.07.2024): "Reforming the ‘Facilitators’ Package’ through the Kinsa litigation: Legality, Effectiveness and taking International Law into account".
- Stefano Zirulia, EU Law Live (1.07.2024): "The ‘délit de solidarité’ before the Grand Chamber of the EU Court of Justice Reflections in the Aftermath of the Kinsa Case Hearing (C-460/23)”.
- Stefano Zirulia, Sistema Penale (20.06.2024): "Giornata mondiale del rifugiato: l’occasione per avviare un dibattito sulla depenalizzazione del favoreggiamento dell’ingresso irregolare per ragioni umanitarie" (World Refugee Day: an opportunity to start a debate on decriminalization of aiding and abetting irregular entry for humanitarian reasons).
- Stefano Zirulia, VerfBlog (10.06.2024): "Waiting for Kinsa: The Criminalisation of Facilitating Irregular Immigration before the CJEU".
- Teresa Quadt, VerfBlog (29.02.2024): "No Benefit: Germany's section 96 in light of theKinshasa Referral".
- Cathryn Costello and Stefano Zirulia, VerfBlog (29.02..2024): "Pushing Back: How to Limit Overcriminalisation of Assistance to Those in Need of Protection".
- Valsamis Mitsilegas, EU Migration Law Blog (13.02.2024): "Reforming the EU ‘Facilitators’ Package’: The new Commission proposal in the light of the Kinshasa litigation".
- Lorenzo Bernardini, Diritto, Immigrazione e Cittadinanza (2024): "Il delit de solidarité davanti alla Corte di Giustizia; il caso Kinshasa come game changer per le politiche migratorie europee" (The solidarity crime before the Court of Justice: the Kinshasa case as a game changer for European migration policies).