
From solidarity to criminalisation: the EU Facilitators’ Package revision

Event: 27 June from 12:00 to 13:00 (CEST) - PICUM's Webinar to gain insights and share perspectives with key actors involved in the ongoing political and judicial discussions about the revision of the EU Facilitators' Package

Original source: PICUM

Link to register for the PICUM's webinar.
The webinar will be available in English, Spanish and Italian. Habrá servicio de interpretación al español / Verrà fornito un servizio di interpretazione in italiano

In 2023, PICUM’s media monitoring confirmed a concerning trend: at least 117 individuals faced criminal or administrative proceedings for acting in solidarity with migrants in the EU. Additionally, at least 76 migrants were subjected to criminalisation under counter-smuggling legislation.

The realities of criminalisation are heavily influenced by the EU’s ‘Facilitators’ Package’, a legal framework allowing member states to criminalise the facilitation of irregular entry, stay, or transit, without a mandatory ‘humanitarian’ exception.

Last year, the Commission proposed a revision of the Facilitators’ Package which fails to adequately address the risk of criminalisation of migration and solidarity, while adding new, controversial grounds for criminalisation.

At the same time, the Court of Justice of the EU is about to hold its first hearing on the ‘Kinshasa’ litigation, challenging the compatibility of the EU’s Facilitators’ Package with the Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Join our webinar on Thursday 27 June from 12:00 to 13:00 (CEST) to hear more about:

Marta Gionco, Senior Advocacy Officer, PICUM
Francesca Cancellaro, Lawyer in the CJEU ‘Kinsa’ cases
Michele LeVoy, Director, PICUM (moderator)

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